Tracy's Tasty Tips & Treats

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

5 Signs of Depression [Tracy's Tips n Treats]

Many health concerns can actually make you feel Sad :( :( :(

Depression can be a manifestation of something else. You heal that and the depression can begin to subside. Read below for tips on foods to help heal some common health concerns.

#1 Low Thyroid

When the thyroid is low the mood will be too. You may also struggle with weight gain and cold hands and feet.

Foods That Heal:  Iodine rich foods like Kelp will support your thyroid. Flouride can cause damage, so make sure you drink clean filtered water.

#2 Low Adrenals

Your adrenals help give you energy. When your adrenals can't function at optimal levels you can struggle with depression from fatigue.

Foods That Heal: Dark Leafy Green Vegetables are higly alkalizing that helps support your adrenals. Adding into a meal every day is vital.

#3 Poor Gut Health

This would be constipation, gas, bloating and diarrhea. When your gut is struggling you are not absorbing any nutrients. 80% of your serotonin (mood stabilizer) is in your gut. If you don't take care of your gut, you're not taking care of your brain.

Foods That Heal: Fermented Foods like Raw Sauerkraut (Raw means any that requires refrigeration), Kombucha, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Kimchi.

#4 Hormone Imbalance

The 2 biggest female hormones that cause depression symptoms are Estrogen and Progesterone. Low Progesterone causes depression. High Estrogen makes your Progesterone low and then causes depression.

Foods That Heal: Fiber it up! Ground Flax Seed or Chia Seeds in your smoothies. Store your food in BPA free containers. Also, watch out for beauty products with paraben and "frangrance" in them that causes hormone imbalance. 

#5 Stress

When you are stressed your stress hormone (cortisol) blocks your progesterone receptors. When this happens depression can occur. Also you can get a crash after high levels of stress that can weaken your adrenals.

Foods The Heal: Herbal Tea that helps you chill. The ones I prefer are Ginger, Rooibos, Chamomile or any relaxing tea you can find.

Are you ready to be happier this holiday season when the bad weather can keep you inside. How can you take care of yourself better?


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